This last Sunday we made our last meal, Easter dinner. It turned out good, as I'm used to the old beast.
Ham, roasted whole potatoes, pull apart bread, deviled eggs, roasted veggies, and heavenly ambrosia.
You know you are getting older when you buy smaller plates (9 inch) and have a lot of space left!
The new gas line will be completed today, inspected then we'll see how many meals I burn at first.
Life is too short to struggle with old kitchen appliances!
Meanwhile I'm taking more time outs, so I can read, garden, and relax. I started following Nora Roberts on social. In doing so I reminded myself that there has been a lot of time passed since some books originally were read. I went thru my book stacks and decided my to be re-read list was a goal for the spring.
I am looking forward to doing some reading in the greenhouse this spring.
Wishing all who read this a good spring, time to read, and time to cook a good meal.