This is the year before I can put those dreams into motion. Plans of being almost debt free, just to incur more debt seem ridiculous, but also very American.The hardest part is trying to face the fact that i need to slim down on spending, especially with how easy places like Amazon makes it to buy all the accessories needed to pursue a hobby (cider pressing, pool floats, beekeeping, and more!). I can drone on and on about my impulsive and planned shopping habits, or remark how it seems that my bank now recognizes the store I shop at as a recurring payment, but have you seen the price of eggs? I am ever so thankful that I am gainfully employed, that I truly enjoy what I do, and that overtime hours in the winter don't get in the way of my summer plans.
Since I tend to squirrel things away, we are doing a jua uary pantry and freezer reduction. Using the majority of what I've stocked, canned, stored or saved for later, January is all about resourcefulness. One example would be sewing a patch or fixing a hole on a pair of otherwise still useful, pants. Another would be making a garden plan that requires less maintenance in the early stages due to some travel plans. And, taking a look at all the subscriptions I have and cutting out the least used.
Looking forward, I honestly don't know what will happen to the economy this year. We are blessed to have an affordable home, and enough ambition to work hard to create a life we are proud to live. Are there things we wish we could change? Of course! Things like a new roof and flooring, more property, greenhouseeroof replacement, slimmer bodies, 3 months pay in savings, figure out why I'm in constant inflammation, better health for our parents, and last but not least, for our dogs to live longer lives.
I am not planning on creating resolutions that can be broken easily or are unattainable any longer.
My goals for 2025 are simple.
1. Take a short walk to ease stress and clear my mind of cluttered thoughts. This can be outside, inside, travel to, or just around the yard.
2. The big goal is spendy, so do what you can to limit frivolous spending.
3. Forgive. Yourself and others. Don't hold onto grudges as it takes too much energy. Doesn't mean you have to put yourself in situations where you'll be around those that you choose not to be. Forgive and move on.
4. Focus on the now. When life becomes overwhelming, breathe and focus on one thing for 10 to 30 seconds.
5. Shape. Snip away branches that hinder or would deter your focus on shaping your life towards your goals and dreams. Example would be subscriptions that are no longer useful.
6. Be mindful. Not only of yourself but of others around you.
7. Spend time, not money. Time spend with those closest doesn't need to have a monetary value. A lunch and walk is just as rewarding as a lunch and shop.
8. Declutter. It's okay to donate things that could be useful to someone after it has overstayed its shelf life. Yes I am talking books! I am donating a quarter of my cookbook collection as they have items I'll never cook or never will again. Same goes for old jars, candles, and things that don't hold good memories.
9. Document. A life well lived can be shown, and I want to document more. Photos, videos, notes. I do not want to be a content creator. Nope. I just want to inspire, reflect later in life so I can recall these memories after it seems I may forget.
10. Just be. Always remember you are a unique individual who can either weather a storm alone or in a community, the choice is always yours.
We did start out our year with a great meal, laughter, and did not waste anything.
Smoked prime rib bone in roast
Green beans
Sour cream mashed potatoes
Garlic spread bread
Spinach with mushrooms
Au just
The prime rib was devine, smokey and perfectly seasoned with kosher salt, fresh cracked black pepper, roasted garlic, onion powder and fresh snipped rosemary.
Definitely will, repeat!