Okay, so many people make New Years Resolutions. I really don't. But this year is different. I resolve to cross off a few of my lifelong goals and a few more of my recurring ones!
My To - Do List this year encompasses:
St. Pat's Dash in Seattle
St. Patrick's Dinner at the MMR (yup, back at the ranch!!)
Annual Snowshoe Trip (trying for 2x this year)
Hike in the Enchantments or other similar mountain trails
Learn proper gun safety
Take a few cooking classes at PCC (Thanks James!!!)
Learn how to Fly Fish (yes I can have patience)
Throw a New Orleans Dinner party (maybe for Jame's Bday again??)
Upload great photography to my blog.
Take great photography of my food and adventures
Host a Sushi Making Party!
Throw a Books N Brew Open house night for my friends. New Annual event???
Visit the Olympic National Forest (never have!)
Contact someone about my house sketches (is my cabin feasible??)
Organize my recipes into a collection (uhm a blog?)
Plant and then can my own vegetables (may need a bigger garden space).
Fish at Fish Lake for Memorial Day camping.
Tell my family that even when we disagree, I still love them, always.
That's the start of my list of things to do this year.