Monday, January 9, 2023


I don't create resolutions.   But, a new month, week, year is a great way to try something new!

This year the focus is balance.  Less stress and more fun.   Less wheat and more fiber.  Less drama and more laughter. 

I began 2023 knowing I had to ditch wheat to heal some gut issues.   My nose drip was slowing, and I fell off the wagon in a drive thru, and felt ill for 2 days.   That cheeseburger was NOT worth it!  It just reminds me that in order to heal and then maintain, there are consequences to food choices.

Why wheat free, do I mean gluten free? No.    To be gluten free I'd need to make sure there is no gluten anything in all household items, and I've never had to be that strict ( I know folks who do).  So just avoiding wheat products (bread, cereals, pastas, takeout, ets) for about 30 days reduces my inflammation issues.   If that doesn't solve all, then dairy goes out the window too.  

I am going to stumble, but I'm going to keep trucking forward! 

What are planning to try, do, experience this year?  

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